Sunday, July 25, 2010

AUBREY is almost ONE and more updates still to come

Since it has been such a long time since an update I thought I should also include a few shots of Aubrey as she gets closer and closer to her #1 Birthday.

Eating a little lunchWe no longer need assistance to walk. She and her fancy hair are officially walking all over the place.
Chillin' with her sister and brother.
What Aubrey's hair looks like if you dry it with the blow dryer.

Having lunch with Grandpa Poss during an Idaho visit:

1 comment:

Tin said...

I love the last picture, it makes me sad in a happy way. Part of me wants to be able to reach through the computer and pull him out and hug him. I read all your posts and loved them.
Grandma's qoute pretty much sums it all up. We all do really need to think that way.
I too am having a hard time in catching up my posts in the last few month. I think you have spurred me on.