Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Jazz Player-#19

Zion's Bank is a sponsor of the Utah Jazz and so Lo had the opportunity to play a little basketball with the Jazz coaches at the Energy Solution arena last night. They had 4 teams that played for the title of Zion's champ. We had a fun night. The kids, when they weren't running crazy in the stadium seating, loved watching their Dad play well and make some nice shots. I took a few unfortunately fuzzy pics of the game. GO #19!!


Tin said...

Dad would have loved this, I can't wait to tell Shane I am sure he will be a little jealous.

Lori said...

Hmmmm... I wonder why they didn't offer this opportunity to Mike... oh wait! He's no good at bball. The last time he played he broke his glasses. haha. Looks like it was a good time.