Monday, March 31, 2008


We have been visiting the South Town Mall to ride the Merry-Go-Round lately and the kids are huge fans. Our last visit was last Saturday which is when Lo and I took these pictures. What I love is that Drew always has to bring along his cowboy hat for the big ride. Also, notice Sommey's scary cat she is riding.
I remember loving the merry-go-round and now it makes me a little woozy. In fact, just looking at the spinning picture of the kids below makes my tummy feel a bit off.


Brandon and Lori said...

Hey, I think it was Janyce who sent us your blog address? Cute kids, I can't believe how big they are getting. I have the same problem with the merry-go-round, we must just be getting old. YUCK!
Our blog is catch you later!

Kliss said...

I too find myself a little woozy on the merry go round. Your kids are so cute, especially Drew in the cowboy hat.

Tin said...

Loving the cowboy hat, first a costume for Easter; then a hat for the merry-go-round, I think he is going to need a dress up box soon.
I love the look on Sommey's face, she looks so happy. Can't wait to see you guy's. By the way you are off the hook, Kathy said the whole marching band could be in there for all she cares. Love You

Brett & Honnelore said...

Hey Guys- We love your blog! We love the merry -go-round too. It's so fun to see the kids pictures. It's crazy how big they are. Talk to you soon!